Monday, September 16, 2002

our first few days in thailand

Perhaps we shouldn't be as surprised as we are that Thailand is so different from Nepal and India. But it's hard to spend all that time experiencing life in the subcontinent and then hop on a plane and a few hours later still be in Asia, but have it be a completely new experience.

Thailand is much more developed than the subcontinent. As soon as we entered the Bangkok airport we knew we were in for a treat. The taxi ride was quiet (no honking), peaceful (drivers stayed in distinct lanes), cool (a/c), smooth (new pavement!), and the city was developed and there was much less poverty than anywhere we'd been. I felt like we were back in Europe.

Of course, now we have been around the city and know that Bangkok doesn't really resemble the west as much as we first thought. We have explored some frantically paced markets, had the most delicious meals for less than a dollar, seen roasted scorpions for sale as a snack, and been to some amazingly ornamented wats (temples) that have all added to the very distinct feeling of Bangkok. It's a great city, a vibrant city and a city where we don't automatically want to scream, "Let's get out of here!"

Having Aaron here has added immensely to our enjoyment. It's almost like having a local showing us around. He knows where to go to get the best sticky rice with custard and papaya for breakfast, he recommends wats that left the with him biggest impression (you have to see the size of that reclining Buddha!), he's great company, and he has found a unique Thai home to stay at for very few baht a night. It's more communal than we are used to but we are enjoying it there. Everyone in the house shares one bathroom but surprisingly, there is rarely a wait to get in. Sometimes there will be a Bob Dylan- Beatlesesque sing-a-long jamboree in the evening when Tu plucks his sitar and some Americans, Aussies, Canadians, and/or Europeans plays the guitar and bongos. Yet surprisingly, you hardly hear a peep in the house after 10 pm. Everyone is pretty respectful and very quiet of one another's sleeping time and personal space.

We have several weeks to explore Thailand, by far the longest time we'll have in any country on our trip. We're going to head up north first before returning to Bangkok and then heading to the renowned (and hopefully some secret!) beaches in the south. Stay tuned.

We have finally reached the SEA...South-East Asia.
