Monday, July 22, 2002

amazing and lovely

It was so nice to have company last weekend! And the company consisted of two of our best friends- Rebecca and Tara- so it was extra nice. The best thing was just hanging out on the patio and catching up. We went to see a film called Lovely and Amazing. It was more lovely than amazing but we all enjoyed it very much. After that, we went out for the best all vegetarian chinese food (Yuan Fu in Rockville, MD) and filled our bellies on spring rolls, steamed dumplings, orange beef, cashew chicken, fried eggplant, and Kung Pao chicken. Though we expected to have leftovers, we managed to finish each and every morsel. Yum!

Over the course of those two short days, Rebecca, in particular, fell in love with Punkin and the two were inseparable. Punkin has been listless and depressed all day. I wouldn't doubt if the same is true for Rebecca. Meanwhile, Tara fell in love with the dish soap and wouldn't let a dish go dirty for more than a few minutes (we love you for that Tara!).

Our last few days in Washington are upon us. Tomorrow we head to the airport but we're not going anywhere, it's just time to pick up Magi's parents. We called today to reconfirm our flight to Amsterdam for Thursday night. We think it's weird to have to reconfirm a flight 72 hours in advance to ensure you don't lose your seat! Shouldn't paying big bucks for the ticket suffice?

Sleep tight.
