Sunday, September 01, 2002

set your clocks 15 minutes ahead, we're now in Nepal

We have arrived in Nepal. Flying over the land this morning was one of the most memorable parts of this trip so far. The green was so incredible. The rolling hills, high peaks, and valleys were dotted with homes and rice terraces.

Our day began early with a short trip to the airport. After we hailed the rickshaw and settled into it we asked the driver to turn on the meter. When he refused and insisted instead that the trip would cost us Rs. 130, Magi (or her amazing stunt-double!?) jumped out of the moving vehicle and grabbed at his shirt instructing him to STOP! It was quite a scene to behold and afterwards we got quite a chuckle out of the event. The wallah did succumb and set the meter. The trip ended up costing Rs. 60.

Magi's second saucy event of the day was when we were in the immigration line at the Bangalore airport. An Indian man in CHiPs shades and a light brown jumpsuit ignored the line that we had all formed and decided that he should be ahead of us. This is a standard occurence in India, one that you get annoyed by, but learn to ignore. Magi didn't. She tapped the man on the shoulder and instructed him to the back of the line. He meekly apologized and moved to another line altogether.

Clearly, Magi had had enough of India. So had I. It really was time for us to move on.

Kathmandu has become a very warm welcoming hug. We settled in to the most comfortable room of the whole trip and went out for some nourishing and delicious Tibetan food. Momos and thanthuk; two things I swear I could eat every day of my remaining life and never get tired of. We walked, open-jawed, along the twisty roads of the neighbourhood where we are staying, Thamel, admiring the scenery and getting a feel for this city.

Aaron has finished his meditation retreat and discusses the trying and compelling ordeal in his latest posting... click there if you haven't already been keeping up with his travels and if you're interested in doing so.

I pity the fool who messes with Magi.
