Friday, May 31, 2002

the soreness of shots & what to do about india

Tonight we sit down to write to you with very sore bodies. We finished the move and have all our things stored safely and soundly until our return. That is part of why we are both sore... load upon heavy load of boxes mixed with stairs will do most people in. The real soreness has come from the vaccinations that were administered to us this afternoon. Flowing through our bodies right now are Polio, Typhoid, Hepatitus A, Measles/Mumps/Rubella, and for Magi, Tetanus as well. Each limb took a needle.

Today we also heard the latest news regarding the words of war between India and Pakistan. Both the American and Canadian governments are asking their citizens who are in India right now to return home. In addition, they have asked that people cancel upcoming trips to the region. This leaves us in a predicament. We have decided to wait and see what happens in the next month or so before we cancel anything. Right now, we are willing to go to India and concentrate our travels in the southern part of the country (which was what we were planning on anyway). Who knows what might change if the tensions escalate.

For now, we are enjoying the peace of the country and the joy of being in a warm house during a series of strong downpours. It feels good to be out of NYC though it was a difficult move for a lot of reasons.
Thank you to all who have left posts! It's exciting to receive them and don't feel shy to write more than a few lines.

to the sea,

Monday, May 20, 2002

in the beginning

Welcome to the unveiling of our humble little website. We're keeping it minimal in order to simplify updating it when we are overseas. Plus, this makes it easy for everyone to navigate.

Now that we have satisfied ourselves with the design, we will begin charting our adventures and range of emotions that are involved not only with making such a voyage, but with the advanced planning stages and the aftermath of the return home.

Our goal is to capture the joy, wonderment, fury, and anxieties of a long and winding quest through India, Nepal, and South-east Asia (and some other surprise destinations prior to our overseas departure and along the way). Though this website is going to be mainly text, we hope to supplement your reading with a postcard or two and perhaps some other goodies. When we return and if you so desire, you can sit with us and a steaming pot of tea or coffee and we'll take you through our photos.

Big hugs go out to Patricia for wide-ranging inspiration and to Martin for helping us with the intricacies of HTML. We highly recommend Patricia's website charting her own travels across the region.

to the sea, k&m

p.s. sorry about the ads, we've done our best to limit them where possible. The one placed at the bottom of this page can be made smaller by using your mouse to drag the edge down. The one on the about us section can be closed.